Thursday, June 7, 2012

Some favorite words


For my very first post, I'd like to share with you one poem and one quote...both very dear to my heart.

The first one is from Little Sermons of the Big Joy by James Broughton (Got this from my absolute favorite astrologist, Rob Breszny at

I like this one because it's silly yet rings so true!

By the way...this naked man is James Broughton --->

"Lessen the doldrums of fellow bipeds.
Coax their spirits to busk and bounce.
Squeeze their Chakras!
Ungum their works.
Use any trick you know to redeem humanity
from impotent glum.
Inject with joy!
Inseminate with light
the wombs of mankind."

Isn't that great?! I love these words!

The second...a quote...from our friend Buddha:

"Believe nothing.
No matter where you read it
or who has said it.
Not even if I have said it.
Unless it agrees with your own reason
and your own common sense."

(Probably the only words I would ever consider getting permanently inked on my body.)

I hope that these words are also meaningful to you! And from my heart to yours......may your day be blessed with magick and wonder!


Julia said...

Oh! I'm so excited for this...I love feeling the gorgeous, fun, quirky, love-infused Hollie-ness that is already totally here.

That quote is definitely ink-able.

Thank you for this little dusting of magic, my friend. My day is more sparkly because of it.

Loving you.

Hollie said... are the best <3

Btw....I just caught an error! I had "lesson" instead of "lessen"!!!!! Doy.

Oh the horror! Tis now fixed :0)